We’ve all heard it said that the average person can’t go more than 3 minutes without air, 3 days without water, and 3 weeks without food – but did you know that poor-quality air, water, and food can greatly impact your health and longevity?
Now more than ever, you need a food source that is reliable, sustainable, and filled with nutrients.
History shows us that food is not always available and people need to be more self-reliant. The Great Depression of the 1930s resulted in widespread food shortages and malnutrition that lasted for several years. During World War II, the government rationed food for everyone not in the military. Natural disasters like Hurricane Katrina in 2005, illustrate how quickly food supply chains can be disrupted. And the Covid pandemic of 2020 shows us how long-lasting supply chain issues can be. Remember just a couple years ago when store shelves were empty and store clerks were limiting how much water you were allowed to buy?
During World War II, when the government rationed food -- as a response, our grandparents planted "Victory Gardens." Even in big cities, people grew vegetables on their balconies and fire escapes. Remarkably, in just one year, 52% of all the fresh food consumed by American families was produced from these Victory Gardens.
What if there was a way to get nutritious fresh food back into your life and the ones you love? What if it cost significantly less than grocery store prices? And what if this new source was not affected by droughts, floods, crazy weather, or pests?
Introducing CHIEF (that's Compact, Hydroponic, Indoor, Efficient, Farming).
CHIEF is the Victory Garden for the 21st Century!
It is a professional fresh food factory that allows people to grow their own fresh food INDOORS and YEAR-ROUND without worrying soil, sunshine or rain. No more pests, weeds, or back-breaking work. CHIEF is compact and very efficient with water and electrical power.
Now you can produce microgreen (like Baby Broccoli and Rambo Radishes) in just 14-18 days. You can also grow fresh tomatoes, green peppers and fruit like melons & berries. With CHIEF, it’s never been easier and more affordable than ever -- people are saving 80-90% compared to grocery store prices.
CHIEF is a scalable tool for families all the way up to a large dining facilities that need to feed hundreds or thousands of people per day.
The largest CHIEF system (The Commercial unit) operates within a 20-foot shipping container and can be driven anywhere in the world where there are roads. It is solar powered, can operate 100% off-grid, and can produce nearly 12,000 lbs. of fresh food a year. https://gbcsupply.com/shop/ols/products/chief-hydroponic-system-commercial-grade-indoor-farming-system
The smallest CHIEF system (the Family system) can operate in a bedroom, bathroom or basement and produce up to 10 lbs. of fresh food a week.
Parents and educators love the CHIEF system -- it's excellent teaching tool that promotes self-sufficiency, follow-thru, and accomplishment. Many students admit that they enjoyed growing their own food and felt a real sense of accomplishment when they could see, touch and eat something they produced.
Contact us at info@GBCsupply.com to talk about your specific needs. We offer discounts for schools and nonprofit organizations.
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